Review an APPROPRIATE exercise video from Google Video or YouTube (at least 3 minutes in duration). Blog the link for the video with a brief reflection on the video, including:
- What exercises were included?
- What muscle groups were emphasized?
- Were the exercieses done with correct technique and explained appropriately?
- Was the video useful in helping you understand the exercise?
Possible topics to search include: core/abdominal; resistance; cardiovascluar; and/or flexibility exercises....
DUE BY 12/14
<1.various warm up techniques lie punching and jogging in place
2. Heart(cardio)
3. yes very much so
4. yes very
5. It was all cardiovascular
Hi Sean - i came across your blog and saw what looks like an assignment to review exercise videos and thought you might be interested in PhysicalFitnet.com. I may not be partial, since I am the founder, but check it out. I hope you find it a useful resource. A lot went into publishing 800 videos and workouts.
The video had all kinds of core exercises with a yoga ball and a half of one.
The core muscles were emphasized. Yes I believe they used the correct technique. It looked like the exercises would strengthen your stomach and back.
Yes the video was helpful.
I searched core/abdominal.
1. elevated feet push ups
dumbell laterals squats
push ups- both feet on ball
weighed lunges etc
2. muscle groups
3. it didnt really explain anything.
4. yes it did help a little but it could been better if the guy actually explained what he was doing
This video dealt solely with yoga excersises. They worked primarily abs and back muscles. They were done and explained correctly and fully. It was very helpful in helping me understand the excersise.
It's a strength building routine, using a dumbbell row exercises.
All of the exercises involved using resistance bands.
Arms and leg exercises were emphasized.
Yes, they explained everything really well.
Yes, they were thorough
The video had all kinds of core exercises with a medicine ball and core ball.It looked like the exercises would strengthen your core.. stomach and back.
The core muscles were emphasized. Yes I believe they used the correct technique.
video was helpful.
I searched core/abs.
The video had all kinds of core exercises with a medicine ball and core ball.It looked like the exercises would strengthen your core.. stomach and back.
The core muscles were emphasized. Yes I believe they used the correct technique.
video was helpful.
I searched core/abs.
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