Friday, October 19, 2007

legal supplements

Choose three LEGAL performance enhancing diet supplements, Go to WebMD and do some background research and answer the following questions:
  1. describe the affect that each substance has on the body.

  2. describe what would motivate an athlete or fitness participant to use this product.

  3. describe the risks or cautions associated with this type of supplementation.

DUE 10/26


Janette said...

The first legal drug I looked up is an energy boosting, and brain enhancing drug. This would motivate an athlete to get more energy and be able to play a sport smarter. The web site attacked to WebMD did not tell what could go wrong if you take this drug. But it said that kids and pregnant or nursing woman should not take it.

The second legal drug I could find about being fit is about diet pills and if they get a person thinner. (I am not interested in these pills it is one of the only pills I could find that has to do with an athlete.) A person would be motivated to take this pill to look and feel good. And if a person feels good they might be motivated to exercise because they are not worried about there appearance. The risks these drugs can have are that they may not work. When a person takes these pills they need to exercise and eat healthy not just take a pill and be thin.

The last diet supplement found on WebMD is Creatine this helps with short spans of activities like weight lifting or sprinting. But the down side of this drug is it does not work for endurance exercises and you need to drink lots of water to avoid cramps. A person would be motivated to uses this because they would like to get stronger and this supplement might give a person more strength (but not for a long time).

In my opinion on this, is to not even take these drugs just eat healthy, get a good amount of sleep and exercise.

Michelle said...

The first thing I looked up was energy supplements, like PowerBar,Amp, and Red Bull. WebMD says while they help for a bit, they aren't good for a well-balanced diet.
The second thing was looking up dietary supplements. While they said taking multivitamins was okay, you shouldn't take too many and you should look for trusted brands instead of just picking something off the shelves.
The third thing I looked up was what some diet pills can do to female athletes. Some diet pills can cause girls who outside look fine and fit to have the bone structure of an 60 year old woman or in some cases a case of osteoporosis.

I think that taking a multivitamin everyday would be okay, but that's it. If you want to be in shape for a sport, you should eat better, sleep and exercise more. you shouldn't take pills to help.

tee tee said...

Xenical is a fat blocker that prevents fat from being completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Prescription strength is 120 milligrams; over-the-counter Alli is the same drug at half strength, or 60 milligrams.

Fat blockers reduce fat absorption and, as a result, some people are plagued with oily discharge, fatty stools, gas, and/or inability to control bowel movements. These side effects are the result of the fat not being absorbed by the body. Eating a low-fat diet reduces the risk of potential side effects. But if your diet is already low in fat, you may see less of an impact from the medication, as there is less fat to block.

People are motivated to use this dietary supplement so they can loose weight.

Just like all diet pills. They come with risks. They speed up your metabloism which increases heart rate. Sometimes your heart cant take this quick change over and you'll have complications which could even result in a heart attack.

Stay away from diet pills kids. Dont take the easy way out. Work for it. Learn discipline.


cory said...

i think that illegal substances in school sports or anything should not be allowed because its cheating and because it is morally wrong. not only those things but it is also illegal and if you have to cheat to be good at a sport then you arent really that good and you should try something new... lol

Chris Maloney said...

Orlistat-reduces intestinal fat absorption by inhibiting pancreatic lipase.

Metformin-in people with diabetes type 2 this drug can reduce weight.

Sibutramine-this is an appetite suppressandt reducing your desire to eat.

If an athlete is overwieght a diet pill might be seen as an easy step to overcome it instead of traditional diet and exercise.

there are risks involved with diet pills. the symptoms vary from all types of problems, and in some instances they can be very dangerous.

Ivy.Jung said...

The first legal drug i looked up was a pain reliever because every single day of basketball season, i take 2 ibuprofens or advils. The web site said that they could cause nausea, stomach irritation, and heartburn.

The second legal drug i looked was diet pills beacuase i always wanted to know if i can actually lose weight by taking any diet pills. WebMD said that diet pills such as Acomplia, can actually help us to lose weight but only if you also cut calories and get moving. Even though you take the drugs, you should have a lifestyle that also includes a healthy eating plan, regular exercise, and behavior modification.

The last thing i looked up was energy supplyments such as an energy drink. WebMD said Energy drink may sound healthy, but downing one of the new carbonated energy drinks may give you more of a caffeine and sugar buzz than you bargained for.

I think sometimes pain relievers are needed but thats when you actually need them. On the other hand, i actually dont see why people would drink energy drink. Well, they taste better than just a bottle of water but they have tons of suger and caffeine.

Anonymous said...

people takes drugs for their health, sports, and some excercises.

but if you take to much drugs, it will worse than before.

for insetance, some guy take drugs everyday every after meals.

whats gonna heppen?

his body will can't take much drugs, so his body will get weaker and weaker, and get diseases easier.

so take drugs enough is better than take too much drugs at once or many times.

Anonymous said...

I think the legal supplement is
people usually get drug for thier health, some sports, excercises.

for if we are talking about as legal supplements as fitnesses, peoples taking drugs for loose their weight or get taller, makes thir goals heppening faster, something like that types.

but if you taking too much drugs, it makes worse.

for instance, some person want to loose his weight, so he took drugs every each day after he eats.

if he keeps doing that he will not get loose weight.

because human's body tells that if you get too much drugs, body can't take the drug into body, so body gets weaker than body that didn't take drugs.

so take little bit at several times are better than take too much at once and everyday without alot excercises

yOos said...

Oxandrolone- Leggal type of anabolic steroid that has a minimal effect o the body. Helps produce small ammounts of testosterone.

Stanozolol- Legal muscle building drug, that recruits blood cells to stimulate muscle growth.

Prohormone- A legal arrtificial hormone supplement that produces testostorone in safe ammounts for your body. Many body builders will combine this with other drugs.

People can become motivated to use these drugs if they have trouble building muscle or would like to build muscle faster. It's an easy legal way to help your body create more muscle mass. These three drugs are very similar to steroids and carry many of the bad affects that steroids have. For example men can develop breasts and unneccessary hair and women can get a deeper voice and look more masculine.

Adrienne said...

The first legal drug I looked up was ephedra. Ephedra is a "natural" substance that was used along with caffine to promote weight loss. Ephedra did help with weight loss but it had it's drawbacks Ephedra increased the risk of heart problems, stroke and psychiatric and gastrointestinal symptoms.

The second drug I looked up was creatine. Creatine naturally occurs in the body so most people think it's ok to take. It helps build muscles. Creatine sometimes causes side effects, like diarrhea, cramps, and loss of appetite. Weight gain, muscle cramps, and loss of kidney function are also associated with taking creatine.

The last supplement I looked up was multivitamins. Multivitamins theoretically help replenish nutrients that we don't get enough of. Folic acid helps prevent birth defects and antioxidants and zinc are useful for preventing the eye disease, macular degeneration. However, most people take them without knowing anything about them. Vitamin E, zinc, selenium, and iron can be toxic at high levels. High levels of vitamin D can cause dangerous elevation of calcium in the blood. One expert said that up to 11% of vitamin users exceed safe levels of niacin intake, putting them at potential risk for liver problems.

James said...

1. Ephedra-stimulates brain, increase, expand bronchial tubes making breathing easier. Possible side effects include severe skin reactions, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, trembling, headache, insomnia, profuse perspiration, dehydration, itchy scalp and skin, vomiting, hyperthermia, irregular heartbeat, seizures, heart attack, stroke, or death.

2. Creatine-stimulates muscle building. aloows large increases in muscle mass. Side effects include minor muscle cramping.

3. Caffeine-stimulates the nervous system. Allows user to dull the sense of fatigue. side effects include various psychiatric disorders.