The following outline will guide the second semester Life Fitness schedule. Please review each assignment carefully and do a good job on your project.
W. - What is your activity?
- General description of the activity (distinguishing characteristics, trends, etc.)
- What is the background/origin/history/key figures of this activity?
- What is the current status of the activity (participation, popularity, geography, etc.)
E. - Etiquette & Equipment
- What are the rules of play?
- Codes of conduct? Guidelines?
- Policies/procedures/protocols?
- Officials signals/symbols? etc.
- Different governing bodies, their influence on the game?
L. - Lesson Plan #1 (see handout)
L. - Lesson Plan #2 (see handout)
N. - News Story
- Find a recently published story of note involving your activity. Describe the circumstances and situations involved and discuss why it was significant.
E. Exercies to improve participation
- What activity specific exercises can be perfomed to improve skills in this activity?
- What fitness related activities can be incorporated into a workout program to improve skills in this activity?
- Describe in detail the considerations that someone dedicated to this activity would need to know when prescribing their workout program (include FITT principle and training concept considerations, ie. progression, overload, specificity, periodization)
S. - Strength and weaknesses of this activity for life time fitness
- describe in detail the positive health and fitness benefits associated with participation in this activity.
- describe in detail the limitations of this activity for the promotion of life time health and fitness.
S. - Strategies for Life-Long involvement (PFP)
- Based upon all that you have learned about this activity; describe in detail how you plan to incorporate this activity into your own Physical Fitnes Program (PFP).
- Identify obstacles to participation and necessary steps to avoid/overcome those barriers.
- Give examples of specific time/places/organziations where you plan to participate in this activity.
ultimate frisbee
golf. i hate climbing
Mountain Biking
jump roping
never mind
scuba diving
table tennis
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