- What were the top 10 benefits of/reasons to exercise that you chose for yourself?
- What were the top ten benefits of/reasons to exercise that your family member chose? Why do you think they are different?
- Which one benefit is most important to you and why?
Due on 9/21
1)enables you to lose weight and keep it off
2)burns up extra calories
3)makes your clothes look better on you
4)makes you feel food
5)goves you a great appreciatio for life as a result of feelinf better about yourself
6)enables you to better enjoy all types of physical activities
7)gives yo more energy
8)increase your self-confidence and self esteem
9)decresesfat tissue more easily
10)may add a few years to your life
Host mom
1)improves ciculation and helps reduce blood pressure
2)helps you to sleep better
3)enables you to lose weight and keep it off
4)increases metabolic rate
5)becreases the chances of osteoporosis
6)increases lung capacity
7)enables you to relax more quickly and completely
8)enhances clarity of the mind
9)makes you limber
10)eases and possibly eliminates back problems and pain
Host Dad
1)lifts your spirit
2)eases and possibly eliminates back problems and pain
3)enhances neuromuscular relazation thus reducing anxiety and tension
4)enables you to relax more quickly and completely
5)alleviates depressiono
6)enhances clarity of the mind
7)improves emotional stabillity
8)instills a positive attitude about yourself and life
9)stimulates a feelinf of well being and accomplishment
10)gives you a great appreciation for life as a result of feelinf better about yourself.
well,i basically gained about 20 pounds when i frist came to America 2 years ago and im still trying to lose more weight since then, thats why i chose "enables you to lose weight and keep if off"
My top ten are
Builds Strength
Improves endurance
Makes you feel good
Enables you to meet new friends and develop fulfilling relationships
Enables you to socialize and get in shape at the same time
Makes it easier to exercise consistently because you like how you look and feel and don’t want to lose it
Improves athletic performance
May add a few years to your life
It is a wonderful way to enjoy nature
Gives you a clear perspective of ideas, issues, problems and challenges
Affords you an opportunity to experience your fullest potential
A family member top 10
Increases your self-confidence and self-esteem
Helps you sleep better
Gives you more energy
Burns up extra calories
Tones and firms up muscles
Lifts your spirits
Improves endurance
Makes you feel good
Helps you to achieve a more agile body
Is a wonderful way to enjoy nature and the great outdoors
Our Top 10 are different because of the activities we do and because of our age difference. My favorite of the top ten is Enables you to socialize and get in shape at the same time. This is because sports are a good way to get to know people. This is especially true in team sports and if you go on a walk or a jog.
my top ten:
-increases your self-confidence and self-esteem
-gives you more energy
-provides more muscular definition
-enables you to lose weight and keep it off
-improves the body's ability to burn fat
-improves emotional stability
-instills a posative attitude about yourself and life
-makes your clothes look better on you
-gives you a feeling of control or mastery over your life and a belief that you can create any reality you want
-affords you the opportunity to experience your fullest potential
caras top ten list:
-inceases your self confidence and self esteem
-improves the body's ability to burn fat
-increases strengh of ligaments
-enables you to relax more quickly and completely
-alleviates depression
-improves your emotional stability
-decreases fat tissue more easily
-enables you to socialize and get into shape at the same time
-helps you to move past self-imposed limitations
-makes your clothes look beter on you
i think that cara and i actualy agree on what we feel is very important in exhersize and reason why we should. my top reason would probable be :instills a posative attitude about yourself and life
because i think that your attitude play a huge part in who you are and and if you believe in yourself you will bne able to achieve whatever you want.
My 10 r:
1-improves your body shape
2tones and firms up muscles
3Enables you to lose weight and keep it off
4-Makes you feel good
5- Makes you clothe look better on you
6-Enables you to better enjoy all types of physical activities.
7-Improves emotional stability
8-Alters how your body uses calories-now more efficiently
9-Gives you more energy.
10-increases your self-confidence and self-esteem
My moms:
1-Gives you more energy
2-Burns up extra calories
3-Reduces tension and quells stress
4- Imrpoves appetite for nutriotious foods
5-improves coordination and balance
6-Enhaces the functioning of cardiovascular system
7-Enhaces functioning of the respiratory system.
8-Is a wonderful wayto enjoy nature and the great outdoors.
9-Makes you feel good
10-Burns up extra calories
My mom and i think alike in most stuff... even though shes older then me she cares about how she looks and feels and watch how she should eat and stuff..i mean shes a size 1-3 im like a 5 in jeans! haha..anyways..we both like to feel good but its different in the way that she watches what she eats..like vegetables, fruits...i don't really do that...i just eat and excersize.. so shes likes to eat healthy and excersize but i still have to work on that.
My Reasons
-feel good
-builds muscles
-helps heart
-lowers resting heart rate
-burns more calories
-look better
-improves endurance
-higher lung capacity
-easier sleeping
-longer healthier life
My Brother's Reasons
-lung capacity
-self image
-good feeling
-balance + coordination
-more energy
-reduces stress
-better breathing
-healthier heart
I think most of them are very similar because there are certain things like living a happy or long life that are very important to many people. For me a healthy heart is the most important because it insures a longer life without heart issues.
My top ten:
Helps you to sleep better
Reduces tension and releases stress
Improves endurance
Enables you to relax more quickly and completely
Alleviates depression
Makes you feel good
Improves athletic performance
Gets your mind off minor irritations
Reduces or precludes boredom
May add a few years to your life
my parents ten:
Increases self-confidence and self-esteem
Gives you more energy
Lifts your spirits
Improves your posture
Reduces tension and quells stress
Decreases cholesterol
Invigorates body and mind
Is a wonderful way to enjoy nature and the great outdoors
Improves the whole quantity of your life
Affords you the opportunity to experience your fullest potential
My favorite is helps you sleep more, because i rarely get more then 6 hours of sleep, so any extra is good.
1 Stronger
2 Better muscle endurance
3 Makes clothes fit better
4 More energy
5 look better
6 lung capacity
7 sleep better
8 self-confident
9 Self-esteem
10 better grade in life fitness
1 Stronger
2 limber
3. Helps clothes fit better
4. Less back Problems
5. Muscular Endurance
6. not as tired
7. Sleep Better
8. More energy
9 relax quicker
10. burns extra calories
I think tha they are different because of our age and desires. I don't have to worry about my diet or anything so for me it's more about appereance. My dad works out because he wants to be healthy
aMy top ten:
1. Increases your self confidence and self esteem.
2. Adds a sparkle and radience to your complexion.
3. Tones and firms up muscles.
4. Lifts your spirits.
5. Enables you to lose weight and keep it off.
6. Makes you feel good.
7. Makes you better able to stay warm in colder environments.
8. Improves your athletic performance.
9. Brings color to your cheeks.
10. Makes it easier to exercise consistently because you like how you look and feel and you don't want to lose it.
My dad's:
1. Helps you sleep better.
2. Gives you more energy.
3. Reduces tension and quells stress.
4. Builds strength.
5. Improves endurance.
6. Alters how your body uses calories- now more efficiently.
7. Strengthens the heart.
8. Instills a positive attitude about yourself and life.
9. Makes it easier to exercise consistently because you like how you look and feel and don't want to lose it.
10. Stimulates a feeling of well-being and accomplishment.
The one most important to me, I think is "makes it easier to exercise consistently because you like the way you look and feel and you don't want to lose it." That one is really important to me because I really wish I was more consistent with my exercise and I think if I get into the habit of it, I'll actually do it and have fun doing it.
My top 10
1)Helps you sleep better
2)Makes you feel good
3)Gives you more energy
4)Alleviates depression
5)Builds muscles
6)enhances clarity of the mind
7)Reduces tension and quells stress
8)Longer, healthier life
9)Lifts your spirit
10)Instills a positive attitude about yourself and life.
Family member's top 10
1)May add a few years to your life
2)Helps you sleep better
3)Enables you to relax more quickly and completely
4)Builds strength
5)Makes you feel good
6)Enables you to better enjoy all types of physical activities.
7)Is a wonderful way to enjoy nature and the outdoors.
8)Reduces tension and quells stress
9)Gives you more energy
10)Burns up extra calories
I think that some of the reasons are different because we are in different places in our lives and therefore have different goals, but some of the reasons are the same because all humans want a long, problem-free life, and everybody wants to feel good about themselves. My favorite reason is "Instills a positive attitude towards yourself and life" because I struggle with keeping a positive attitude sometimes.
lose weight.
more energy.
better attitude.
better figure.
teaches me self dicipline.
gives skin healthier glow.
helps me to sleep better
decreases cholestrol, high blood pressure,obesity risks, and risks for heart disease.
the more i work out, the more i get to eat!
everyones healthy.
feel good about themselves.
gives us more chances to do activities together.
better attitudes.
good opportunity to bond
increases self esteem.
lifts spirits
draws us closer together.
expands lungs
reduce stress.
Our top 10s differ because each of us are built differently, and have different activites that we like.
My favorite is endurance, because its not just something that happens over night, You have to work for it.
Top ten are, builds strength, better endurace, lung capacity, more energy, better sleep, healthy complextion and glow, clear mind, makes you feel better, may add a few years of life, and tones and fimrs up muscles.
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